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entering into

promise and inheritance

Do you feel as if your life is not progressing the way you want it to?


Are you carrying unfulfilled prophecies and dreams?


This FREE e-book offers some prophetic insights drawn from the Bible.


It is a fresh and innovative look at the story of exodus from slavery, transition through the wilderness and entry into promise and inheritance...


Download ebook

This free ebook has been made available in 4 different formats so you can comfortably read on the device of your choice. Select one of the options below to download.

Dowload ebook


Download this book in A4 print quality PDF format. This format is ideal for printing off at home or reading on larger computer screen. (Chapter bookmarks included)



An EPUB file is a digital book, or ebook, which can be read on a wide variety of digital devices including Tablets, Smartphones, Laptops and dedicated eReaders(Works with Apple iBooks).



AZW3 is a digital ebook file which is compatible with Amazon Kindle Readers. This format will only work with later Amazon Kindle Readers (Post 2011).



Mobi is a digital ebook file which is compatible with older Kindle Readers. This file should be compatible with any older type Kindle reader (pre-2011).

Installation guide

We have had some requests from people who were struggling to install this ebook on their smartphones or Kindle readers. Please refer to the guide below on how to install these kindle formats.


We have realised that when you open this page from a post on Facebook, some of the download links do not work. To make sure you're able to open the download link, open this page in your native smartphone browser (such as Safari on iPhone or Chrome on Android phones). Click here for how to do this in Safari

Epub format in ibooks

step 1

Click the download link in your browser.

(make sure you're viewing the page in safari, NOT in Facebook, click here for more info)


on ereader

Depending on what type of Kindle Reader you have, you need to choose either the AZW3 or the Mobi format. Mobi should work on other eReaders as well and works with the older Amazon Kindle readers (pre-2011). The AZW3 format only works on the later Amazon Kindle Reader models

step 1

Open this page on a computer (laptop or pc) and click the download link.

(This process is the same whether you choose AZW3 or Mobi format. Example is shown for Mac but works similar to PC)

Step 1.png


It is totally understandable if installing one of these files might be too complicated. If so and you would like some assistance, please contact us at

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