“To be here with the silence of Sonship in my heart is to be a centre in which all things converge upon You.”
- T. Merton
I was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and have returned to live in the city I love along with my family, after living in New Zealand since 2009. My wife Becky is from the Bay of Plenty region of New Zealand. We have two children, Jacob (born in 2011) and Jessie (born in 2013).
In 2007 I had a major crisis of faith and burned out in what I believed was a mature and radical Christianity. I came to the Inheriting the Nations retreat in New Zealand in 2008 and met James and Denise Jordan. What I heard and experienced profoundly altered my understanding of Christianity and how I lived my life.
I have been with Fatherheart Ministries since 2010, working closely with James and Denise Jordan.
It is now a new season. This is what the future will look like for me:
To continue to write books with a prophetic emphasis.
I have released the books Freedom from Religion, John - A Prophetic Revelation , as well as other books, available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle.
I am currently in the process of writing further revelatory books with a prophetic emphasis.
To teach on Fatherheart Ministries events and whatever doors God opens to me.
To develop contemplative retreats on the spirituality of sonship.
To enable people to live out sonship in life, in creation and in every calling. To break down the ‘sacred- secular’ divide and release revelation for every area of life.
To function as a prophetic ‘spiritual director’ in the lives of people.
To see new doors open through anointed networking.
To be part of spiritual community building
To see new wineskins emerge which will release sons and daughters.
CONTAct me
If you would like to contact me with any questions, you can reach me here:
shill700@gmail.com or drop me a line: