“I used to think that the source of Christianity was in me; it was about me seeking and loving God. I now realise that God is not the object of my Christianity. I am the object of His Christianity. I am the object of His life and the object of the love of His heart. I sought God and loved God for many years and I became increasingly exhausted. In my religious pursuit, I didn’t realise that I was wading upstream against the power of the current. When I collapsed in utter failure as a Christian, I began to sink beneath the water. I feared that I was drowning. Then I heard the roar of the Niagara Falls of the love of the Father. Its waters buoyed me up and carried me downstream, past all of the landmarks I had traversed in my quest for the fountainhead. All along God had been seeking me and the Father had been loving me. The love of the Father is not a bolt-on or add-on to the Christian life. It is the foundation that everything else is built on. Everything else in Christianity flows out of the Father’s love. Where is the source of true Christianity? It is in the Father’s love.”
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