Dear brothers and sisters, friends and family,
One year ago (on the 13th September 2016) Becky and myself were launched into the unknown. I was made redundant from my salaried position with Fatherheart Ministries. The last year has been a year of significant transition for Fatherheart Ministries and for ourselves personally. We continue to be part of the Fatherheart family and part of Fatherheart Ministries.
Our family (Stephen, Becky, Jacob and Jessica) have now been on a journey of faith for a whole year, trusting God for finances. We are deeply grateful to those who stand with us and support us financially. We couldn't do this without you.
Fruitful Ministry
We can tell you, here and now, that our heavenly Father has demonstrated His faithfulness to us in many ways. I have continued to minister with Mark Head and with James and Denise Jordan, in the ministry of Fatherheart Ministries, in 'B' Schools, the ‘Becoming A People’ Gathering and the Inheriting The Nations School. I have also led team retreats, enabling me to communicate the latest prophetic revelation on my heart. In addition, I have begun to do a number of short but effective videos on my Youtube channel. These can be seen through my website...
I will continue to do some travelling in 2018. I will be going to Finland, Norway, USA and Australia in 2018, and anywhere else that the Lord opens a door for me. Staying present to my wife and children will remain an important priority which must be balanced with trips abroad.
John: A Prophetic Revelation
The highlight of the past year has undoubtedly been the publication of my book, John: A Prophetic Revelation. The feedback I have received has confirmed that this is an anointed book.
I am very proud of this work and encouraged at the impact it is having across the nations.
Some comments about the book...
"For all of those who have in any way been in touch with the revelation of God our Father and His love for us, you must get and read Stephen Hill’s book, John: A Prophetic Revelation"
It is FANTASTIC! This is a MUST READ! It is packed with truth. It will build into your mind and heart the perspective of God and Christian life as sons of God that God has been building into Fatherheart Ministries, and the wider Body of Christ, this last twenty five years or so. Read it, and then use it as a reference book in the years to come. I know it will be a backbone book for me in the future."
- M James Jordan, Founder of Fatherheart Ministries
“it’s a great read!”
“Incredible revelation”
“For our ‘start the day with Father’ time we have been using your book as a devotional guide. It has been uplifting and a la Bill Johnson there are some real nuggets embedded in the prose. So.....just wanted to touch base and say THANK YOU. For all the time of creativity (and I guess some sweat and tears) which you have been involved in.”
Finance Appeal for Future Vision
I now write to you again, as we seek to discern the future, and keep walking on water, so to speak.
God spoke to me that 2017 was to be a year of vision. That has proved true. Becky and I have so much vision but we cannot do it alone or in our own strength.
I am working on some exciting and creative new writing projects. I wish to continue bringing interpretation of the Bible from the perspective of the Father’s love. I am already more than halfway through another project based on a Bible book.
I also hope to produce a series of devotionals to encourage and facilitate the growth of spiritual life.
I have some other interesting and creative God-ideas percolating. Becky has her own visions and things that God has put on her heart.
All of this needs finance so that it can become tangible reality. Dreams need to be manifested, and they need resources, financial resources to become real. We are abundantly thankful for those who support us and hope that you can keep believing with us for another year.
If you have a ‘yes’ in your heart to give financially to us as a family and to what the Lord is doing though me, please commit to standing with us. We are totally dependent on God and on the Body of Christ to keep this work going.
Thank you and every blessing,
Stephen and Becky Hill